Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And the Adventure Continues…

I think the surest sign that God is alive and working today can be seen in the lives of His servants. And, the one thing I can say is that I know of this personally since He’s writing a story for my life that I wouldn’t have ever been able to dream up.

Shortly after moving back home (to Idaho) from Georgia, the Lord provided for me to work on the campaign of a friend of mine who is running for State Senate. He understands the Constitution and the Biblical role of Government, and it’s been refreshing to meet people who are ready and engaged in this cultural war. I’ve come to decide that the front line might be the most dangerous place to be, but it’s also the best because you can see first-hand the self-destruction of those who don’t seek truth and righteousness. We’ll have to wait one more week – ‘til Election Day - to see the results of this particular battle, but we know that ultimately our Lord has won and he has commanded us to fight for His Kingdom without fail. And so, press on we must – knocking on doors, challenging the vain philosophies of our day, offering hope, raising Godly children, living, loving serving. All for Him.

And, like I said before, sometimes those opportunities for service take unexpected twists. I’ll be taking one of those life curves (at typical high-speed) in just a few weeks when I start my new position at Samaritan Ministries International. That’s right, this time I’m headed to Peoria, IL and the central time zone. I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for me there…and to be just about 4 hours away from Jacob who is studying away at college! I plan to have my own little abode, and to play hostess as many times as possible. So, if you’re ever traveling anywhere remotely near my new residence, please drop me a line and come visit! Having done this once before I know how tough the transition from big-family life to all-on-my-own life is, and I’m confidently resting that the Lord knows best what He is doing, and walking forward. Of course, I’m also counting on all my traveling friends and family to help me out here and stop by any and every time they can! J

In the meantime, I appreciate your prayers (and advice). And…if you aren’t already a member of Samaritan Ministries, I encourage you to check out their distinctly Biblical approach to healthcare – one of the most crucial needs we are facing in our upside down culture these days!

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