The countdown continues....
As I make my way along the twisted and treacherous highway that has been labeled "Mercy's Senior year", I cannot help but wish it would slow down and speed up at the same time. Slow down so that I can enjoy the views and take in the scent of the rain as well as the glorious rays of sunlight. Speed up so that I can reach my destination and start on the next path that God has for me. Slow down so that I can enjoy the times with family and friends, take deep breaths of life- sustaining air and drink deep of the water, that is Christ. Speed up so that I can see the end results, so that decisions will have to be made............... and on and on........................
So as I come to Today, Sunday, September 25th, a day filled already with fun, food fellowship, and friends ; and one that promises more of the same, I see that it is worth it to make myself slow down... Slow down to give a smile, a hug, and a pillow pet to my sister as she turns 22. Slow down to text with my brother who is on the front lines of the culture war as he goes to college. Slow down and spend 20 mins on the phone with my sister I haven't seen in over 2 months. Slow down to give my brother a hug as he congratulates me after a close volleyball loss. Slow down to make those memories with my family, slow down to remember them.
With only 120 school days left, the highway speed limit keeps increasing and my vehicle, that is life, is keeping right up with it. With School 5 days a week, Volleyball 4 days, Running 3-4 days, work about 2 days, Piano once a week, and Choir every other week it seems as if I only get to blink in between Sundays when I get a respite and come before God to find peace among the craziness. but despite the intense speed, God has been good, teaching me a new life lesson every day and giving me time to nurture my relationships with family and friends...
In school, I am taking aton or super interesting classes, one of them being German Studies. I thought to give you a taste of what I am learning I would share with you the paragraph I wrote last week.
Ich ging einkaufen. Ich fuhr mein Auto zum Supermarkt. Im Supermarkt kaufte Ich Milch, brot und andere Lebensmittel. Auserhalb des Supermarkts, sah ich meine Freundin, Rebecka. Sie hat auch Lebensmittle gekauft, Ich ging aus den Supermarkt und ich ging auf die Bank und die Post. In der Post, fand ich einen Brief von meiner Schwester. Ich fuhr nach dem Park, um meinen Brief zulessen. Gegenueber dem Park gab es ein Cafe. Ich ass in dem Cafe. Ich trank Kaffee und ass Schokoeis mit Schlagsahne. Ich wurde krank, nach ich ass. Ich ging nach hause und ich lag mich in meines Bett. Ich schlief acht Stunde. Wann ich wachte, war es shon Morgen.
(If you don't understand any of this you can email me and I will give you a translation ;) :) )
I am also taking an Oratory class for which I have a speech due tomorrow which I have not done/finished/started yet...............................
Besides this somber fact, the weather outside is calling my name even as it makes me smile...